Thursday 7 August 2014



Basically in Malaysia we have compulsory uniforms to be wore during our primary and secondary school.So we have these freedom of picking our own attire officially starts during our undergraduate session.
     We must remember that attire is not just about grabbing your favorite but picking the most suitable one for that particular area must be concern about too.Usually I do come across with several girls that wears either in a way of extremely exposed as if it's a party compound or with the irrelevant dressing taste.So today's FASHION HUB is about to discuss with you some ideas on how to match your clothing style with a back to school topic.Shall we?? 

Rule 1 -> How to choose an outfit??
Nowadays it's very common to sit in an air-conditioning room during our study hours in the institutes.So coming to the point,it's better to grab a cardigan or a long sleeved top to secure your self with the temperature than freezing in the class room.
  Another hint that helps you is wearing a jeans according to your wish.It can be either a skinny jeans,baggy pans or what so ever,as long it's long enough to cover your legs during this cold hours.Is it a bad idea to wear a skirt and a short sleeved blouse???..Of course NOT!!..If you can bare with the temperature then you are most welcome.
  Generally speaking,each and every institutes have dressing code that must be compulsorily followed by the fellow students.So talking about dress code,it's common to mention about decent attires or maybe being formally dressed during presentations.Some students basically girls takes advantages during presentation dress code.WHY??..They must have seeking attention upon their dressing style by wearing fashionable formal attire that accede the criteria.It's not a false to wear so but it's NOT a suitable way to dress like a pop start during your presentation.The best that you could follow up during presentations would be a nice formal skirt/slack with a cute looking formal blouse(short/long sleeve) with a matching pair of cover shoes/formal heels is the best to go.Wearing this type of dressing sense could actually build a positive view towards you then making a fun upon your "extreme makeover".Moreover,during the casual days,please do not wear a shorts to attend your classroom or else you will be expelled from that area.Pick the proper and simple outfit that matches you perfectly to maintain your dignity.Dressing sense could actually build more confident while presenting your study and even comfortable to go through your entire study hours.

Rule 2 -> Are you carrying the perfect bag??  
It's even more common to see girls nowadays carrying a tote then a normal sling/side/carry bag.Of course it's aren't an issue but have you ever taught it's a little bit funnier???..WHY???To speak the truth,it's not a ceremony to expose your style but it's just an institute where you actually going to obtain your education,so why a drama of style is needed over there?.A simple style is always the best to go during these days or else you going to be the topic of the day for gossipers.So just get your self a nice sling/side or a carry bag in order to bring your belongs in a much proper way.

Rule 3 -> Watch your footwear!!

One fine day,I actually came a cross with this girl in my institute.So the problem I found that made her look soo weird was her footwear.So let me tell you WHY??...She was dressed up with a normal skinny jeans with a collar T-shirt together with a pair of high heels.So the entire public was eventually staring at her footwear and was criticizing her look.So you understand how bad the opinion interprets yourself do you??..THINK!..So make sure you pick the right footwear according to your outfit before it's too late to make a fun of you.

SO as usual there goes some ideas in FASHION HUB that benefits you to style your college days in a much proper way.Have fun :)


Wednesday 6 August 2014



 So recently my sister gave birth and I wanted to write up on a good fashion looking outfits that suits for those mama's out there.Well carrying a baby isn't an easy job I say after looking at my sister's pregnancy journey.Today's FASHION HUB is about how mama's can attire them self during their maternity days.Enjoy reading mamas ;).
    Well my sister do pick her attires which are really comfortable to be wear during her maternity days.As bigger her baby bump goes,she choose to wear bigger T-shirts or blouse.Of course being comfortable is the main priorities given by soon to be mamas.Who said pregnant women don't dress up well??...well I say they ROCK in their outfits even in a dress.It depends on certain personality about how you wish to attire yourself during your maternity days.
   I usually see pregnant mamas do dress like a model sometimes or like a celebrity.They seems like having fun dressing them self during maternity.And there are some whom attires them self like a maid"the messy ones".Talking about the well-dressed category,they either wear a tight looking outfit to expose their bump or loose once which also looks good on them,probably they don't wish to show their baby bump much.Well the messy once would dress soo improper in public like a tank which expose your bump soo clearly(I went through this situation in a hospital).If you wish to wear a tank,it's not a problem at all BUT a cardigan or a lengthy tank is much good to go in a public.
   Further more,mamas do look good when they attire them self according to their body pattern.The skinny mamas always looks good in any outfits unless too baggy till they look like a comedian.The chubby mamas do look fabulous in loose outfit with a skinny bottom BUT don't wear too tight till can see your excessive fats.
   Talking about dress,mamas are advised to pick according to your body size during you maternity days because different body types reflects different opinions.For example,thin mamas do look amazing in lengthy or short dresses but it reflects opposite to the chubby mamas because they tend to look bulky in lengthy once unless they have 'not-so" chubby type body structure.Where by,the chubby mamas looks adorable in short dresses but not soo exposed or else it will look ugly due to your size(don't take me wrong because it's just an idea sense)*refer the pictures for the length idea*.But if you wish to wear opposite,than it's not a matter BUT make sure mamas feel comfortable and confident.
   Referring to your footwear I guess it's not a problem because commonly pregnant mamas avoid wearing high-heels but prefer wearing a pair of sandal with a good comfort during their maternity periods BUT it's fine if you wish to wear your heels during your outs but look out the inches that you going pick to avoid unexpected incidents.So make sure you are comfortable to stand with your footwear for long hours.Below are the ideas for mamas to go with during your special days :).

Sunday 3 August 2014



 Phase1:summer/sunny :) 

 So today's FASHION HUB is about types of fabrics should be chosen or decided before purchasing in an outlet.We live in a county with various weathers.
  Generally speaking,we have winter,summer,rainy days,cloudy days and sunny days(the extreme weathers).These weathers DON'T go along with every types of fabrics.Each season has it's own good to go or else discomfort might irritates the hole busy days. Highlighting today's topic,we as a humans has this mentality of picking his/hers attires according to our likes although it isn't the right pick for that current weather "even I does that".
   Let's pick an example of sunny days/summer.Some people attires them self with a tetron or a leather fabric,these fabrics goes good in cold weathers or maybe sitting for long hours in an air conditioning room.Else than,people tend to wear them during outdoors and this creates access sweat and leads to rashes by the end of the day.Well I'm not saying it's a bad idea of wearing BUT have you ever notice that these material could absorb your sweat???...OF-COURSE NOT!..these fabrics actually increase the amount of warmth in you,so that was the reason your been advised to bring along a jacket or etc while out for a movie in the theater.So these type of material are best to go while winter days or for any cold areas.
    So the fabulous pick for a sunny/summer days will be a NATURAL FABRIC.Why is that so???
   NATURAL FABRICS are been created from the fibers of animals and other living things.This fabric gives you the best comfort during these season.They are a great absorber for any moist and gives you a comfortable wear through out the day.You will definitely feel good due to no smelly underarms caused by sweat.So there goes several picks of a good summer/sunny days outfits that I personal thinks it goes good with.

pic source :google image,amazon,selfmotivation

Phase2:winter :)

   Talking about winter is soo amazing because here in Malaysia we don't have this weather.So I do watch movies were it snows during certain months maybe but especially Christmas and it's really awesome I guess unless it turn out to be the bad one.Usually winter relates to thick types of fabrics as to stay you warmer through out the day.
   So today's FASHION HUB is about HOW TO DRESS YOUR SELF during winter days.If I'm living in a country which snow,I would probably pick an attire relates to pants and a long sleeve wool made top. 
WHY IS THAT SO??..I would not give a chance for this weather to freeze me out in any order.So wearing these type of outfit helps you to stay warmer because there wouldn't be any form of chance for the cold weather to be absorbed to your body.
   To be highlighted above,picking a fabric for winter must be really thick so you could survive for long hours in outdoor or during snow.Through out my study,I prefer to chose either a leather made or a tetron will be fine.BUT THESE FABRICS WOULD NOT ABSORB SWEAT ISN'T IT???..Yupp your so true BUT winter would not make any sweat due to it's temperature.So why worry,pick your perfect leather made jacket to mingle around during the winter.So as usual,there goes a little bits of ideas to go during winter season..Have fun!! 



Source by::Google image

Phase3:Rainy/cloudy days:)

     Umbrellas are very common during theses season although we do use them during sunny days to prevent yourself from UV rays.But a proper outfit is also a highlight during this season to avoid getting wet by the rain.We do have alternative ways to overcome such as wearing a hoodie or a cap/hat.
Trough out my view,not many prefer to carry such things along them except hoodie especially students.WHY???...I guess there are tones of reasons to be explained regarding to this matter because I'm a growing up teenager too but I do carry an umbrella in my bag where ever I go :p.
 Hoodie is definitely a yes because it has multiple ways of usage such as a sudden shade before/during rain so there wouldn't be any reasons to carry a cap/hat or as another additional layer during cold climate.Other than that,hoodie is also an emergency attire for all during cloudy days as you can't predict when does the rain falls. Mostly adults carry an umbrella in their vehicles for an urgent use"my parents does that". 
  Another idea that probably works for all is wearing a leather made boots,probably the lengthy once to avoid soaky socks.Everybody has this problem and it irritates so badly with it's stinky smell.This leather made boots could actually prevent soaky-ness due to anti-absorption properties.For some who could think boots may look awkward in your country like I do,you may try wearing waterproof shoes which looks similar like a normal fancy shoes that you probably wear them everyday.WHERE TO GET THEM?? don't have to worry about it because it's widely been introduced in the footwear outlets.So just glam yourself with a good looking socks probably the short or lengthy ones to complete your look.  
  Ideas are limited for this season as you can see it's kinda similar with winter season.So eventually,it's possible to reuse the same idea for this season too.Just an additional,the main purpose of this weather would be not getting soaked in the rain.So there goes FASHION HUB's ideas to go during rainy/cloudy days.

 source by::google image

Saturday 2 August 2014


     ABOUT ME 

 Hi, I am Hemah from Malaysia. I'm a fashion craze whom likes to sketch various designs of clothes which strikes up in my mind. I have plenty of fashion sketch with pretty good explanation regarding the best suitability in terms of types of body goes good with my style,type of materials n etc.
    Fashion is not just about clothing only.It relates good presentation for that particular area or occasions.A good match of colors,size and style revolves a good fashion for a person.Basically,I have a huge interest upon Indian fashion as you can see by has good sequential design or pattern in order to enhance the look of a master piece. For me,I love to go my style with contrast colors for a good to go.Sticking with just a color is a boring taste through out my opinion.Adding on good contras-tic colors gives a good glow to your style.Other than that,talking about fashion,It has several stages of suitability such as children,teens and adult.Following these sequence could help you out how to manage your self picking your style according to your age.Of course yes to go with all styles because fashion has no limits upon ages,BUT a comfortable fashion style develops a good confident during out with your society.      
    So I'm here today creating my FASHION HUB blog for you to adapt your self with good fashion styles,picks for your own and types of colors that suits in vary categories. Stay tune with my blog for further updates and some fashion advise maybe which could help you out.Follow me for a goody good fashion styles and lets share the knowledge of fashion together. Have fun going through my blog :)